Lida Timber
- An immediate return on investment
A lubrication system, service, bio oil and an oil dosing facility are just a few of the things that LUJA has supplied to the Swedish resaw mill Lida Timber.
Lida Timber is a resaw mill that makes a priority of building long-term relations. This includes LUJA, with whom Lida Timber has been working closely since 2003. Lida Timber is a Swedish, family-owned resaw mill, and its owner and managing director Anders Josefsson is delighted with the way in which his firm cooperates on bandsaws with the Danish company. LUJA’s latest job has resulted in a massive increase in capacity – and a satisfied owner.
- We wanted to boost capacity, which was not feasible with the old wheels on our bandsaws. So, in collaboration with LUJA, we decided to replace them, recalls Anders Josefsson.
LUJA cast new high-speed wheels, replaced the axles, hubs and belt pulleys, and the results have been nothing but impressive. In addition, the motor was fitted with a frequency inverter, which means that it can operate at several speeds.
- Previously we were limited by the old wheels, which meant that we could only run the saw at about 50 metres a minute. However, after the upgrade we can manage 75 metres a minute. This represents a 50 per cent increase, which is more than satisfactory.

Furthermore, the quality is just as good, so Anders Josefsson is very satisfied.
- In retrospect, we should have done this years ago. Our investment with LUJA almost paid for itself immediately because of the extra capacity, which now enables us to produce far more every day.
Increased capacity
Over the past twelve years, LUJA has supplied a wide range of services to Lida Timber, from LUJA Bio Oil and servicing the bandsaws to larger projects such as CNC crowning and installing LUJA lubrication systems as well as the most recent wheel project.
- We had heard that LUJA was able to optimise bandsaws, which was interesting as we had two Canali bandsaws that we felt had the potential to perform significantly better than they were performing.
LUJA grinded the wheels on the saw and fitted stronger and improved blade guides. The result was far better than we had ever hoped, says Anders Josefsson.
LUJA’s first optimisation project as well as the installation of another motor and hydraulics mean that capacity has been increased by up to 75 per cent.
- After this, LUJA was invited to work on our other saw, says Anders Josefsson.
Lida Timber is now in regular contact with LUJA, which continues to maintain and fine-tune the band saws as required.
- Since then, we have also had the LUJA lubrication system installed, and we use LUJA Bio oil, says the managing director.
Great teamwork
He particularly emphasises LUJA’s ability to find ingenious solutions which can improve the old saws and make them perform better.
At the same time, LUJA is capable of working with many different models and types of band saws.
- Both are very important in today’s competitive environment, says Anders Josefsson.
There is no doubt in his mind that their cooperation with LUJA has been a good investment.
- The experience has been nothing but positive, and we are only too happy to recommend LUJA to others, he says resolutely.
Lida Timber is a planing mill with approx. 18 employees in Burseryd, Sweden.
It is a family-owned company, where the focus is on well-established procedures, responsible and committed employees and long-terms relations. The company was founded in 1949, and Anders Josefsson, the current owner and managing director, is the third generation of the family to run the business.
The planing mill planes approx. 50,000 cubic metres of timber each year in Burseryd.
The timber is purchased from many different Swedish sawmills, depending on the product and customer wishes.
Lida Timber’s customers are mostly from Sweden, Norway and the rest of Europe.
The work that Luja A/S performed:
Lida Timber has two Canali ML1100 Twin, which Luja throughout several years has been servicing. Our first tasks were to re-crown the wheels, rebuild the blade guide, perform alignment and mount lubrication/scraping system and manual oil dosing system.
Ever since then, we have performed minor reconstructions and renovations such as digital positioning and renovation of the feeding mechanism.
In the fall of 2012, we mounted a complete automatic oil dosing system on all saws and the system has been prepared for lubrication of the plane.
In spring 2014, the capacity on one of the saws was markedly increased after we switched to stronger wheels that enabled the feed speed to be ratcheted up by 50 per cent.
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